Wednesday, 31 July 2013


Aku merasa ada yang hilang, tanpa tahu apa yang sudah aku temukan
Aku merasa menemukan, tanpa tahu apa yang aku cari
Dan aku seperti masih mencari, tanpa tahu apa yang sudah hilang

Aku lelah
Dan aku telah sampai dimana aku menoleh dan menyadari
Aku tidak pernah menemukan apa apa
Dan bahwa seumur hidupku
Aku hanya pura-pura bahagia

Aku sangat beruntung
Tapi apakah rasa keberuntungan ini yang aku butuhkan sekarang?
Lalu, mengapa aku masih merindukannya?

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

A simple 'tekad' could change million things

Ketika sudah terbiasa dituntun lalu tiba-tiba dilepaskan genggamannya..
Gue kayak anak yg kehilangan arah. Dikit-dikit nanya sana-sini. Berharap tidak tersesat. Emang, sebagai makhluk sosial manusia ga bisa hidup sendiri, bergantung pd manusia lain. Tapi kalo selalu bergantung? Mungkin kalo skrg gue hidup sebagai anak sebatang kara, gue udah mati kelaparan..........

Kemaren di mobil pun lagi-lagi bikin gue termenung. Di depan mobil gue ada mobil yg berstiker "Jakarta surga bagi orang yg kreatif. Namun jakarta neraka bagi orang yg bermalas-malasan." 

Jadi, lo termasuk tipe yg mana?

Haaa gabisa kayak gini terus :"" Harus ubah pola pikir. If you want to do something, dont be afraid to take a chance. Just do it! Dont just waste your time sitting in front of the computer (like most our generation do these days). Go outside and experience the world, Nad. Life will be much more rewarding when you chellenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone.

Satu lagi, IP rapot gue meningkat! Alhamdulillah ya Allah :) Ada kemauan ada jalan. Dan sekarang gimana caranya biar gue ga cepet puas? Buat naikin ke tingkat yg lebih tinggi lagi? Karna you know lah, mempertahankan memang selalu jauh lebih sulit daripada mendapatkan. Konsistensi itu mahal loh harganya..

One step more closer to grab my yellow jacket:3
Wait for me, see youuu

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

What an idiot

Honestly, i can't vouch for what would happen then. Something luminous or even ominous? After all i was just the teensciest scared. For my own skin? Yea maybe HAHAHA absolutely no, it might be the one but i mean another that makes me scared the most are aboutttttt.......... my choice. So how about giving me a break? Just this once. Whats that.. its too late? You signed a contract? Gee. Thats nice. *clap my hands* Oh sure, i know how it is. You want to laugh? Because i do talking to my self? Or maybe shed few tears? AHAHAHAHA admit it, i'm crazy -_- But when it comes to having real symphathy for a terrified soul like me. Forget it, right? You and me. You're all the same. Spoiled, every last one of you. Lying there with your feet up, yelling for someone to bring you more cookies. I'm sorry, i didnt mean that. This whole writting business is making me crazy. Lets be honest! I'm stalling. In a word: procrastinating, putting off, postponing. I'M DRAGGIIIINNNGGGGGGGG MMMMYYYY FEETTTTTTTTTTT AAAAAAAAKKKKKKK!!! Stop it nad. You're right. Its only going to make my job harder in the end -_- Better to jump back in. Never mind how cold the water is or how deep. Or how many thing whatever. The only way i'm just gonna.. Wait! I need a second to settle my mind, two seconds. Three. There, i'm standing on the edge, ipad in hand, ready to take the plunge. And, HERE I............
